Our website provides general information about Barton Gilman LLP as well as civil litigation and other legal matters that users of the website may find useful. This information may be considered advertising under the rules of the courts and the rules of professional conduct applicable to our legal practice. The information on our site does not contain legal advice and should not be considered as offering legal opinions or as a substitute for legal counsel. We provide legal advice and opinions only upon a written formal engagement with a client, and only based on a particular set of facts. Because viewing this website or contacting the firm by e-mail or otherwise does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and the firm, you should not send us detailed or confidential information about a specific matter without first contacting one of our lawyers to determine if we are able to represent you. Otherwise, the information that you convey to Barton Gilman LLP may no longer be deemed confidential and may, among other things, be subject to discovery by third parties. Before you make any decision that may have legal implications, you should consult with a qualified legal professional for specific legal advice tailored to your situation.