Diversity + Inclusion
Diverse talents, people, ideas and perspectives are necessary to confront today’s challenges in the workplace. Our ongoing commitment to creating a culture of equity and inclusion has earned the firm Midsize Mansfield Certification Plus status from Diversity Lab, an organization working to support law firms’ efforts to expand diversity in law firm leadership. The certification recognizes our commitment to track, measure and achieve diversity by increasing transparency and broadening the slate of talent considered for internal leadership roles.
Our Firm
Barton Gilman is dedicated to creating an environment of inclusion and diversity and prioritizing our DEI efforts to bring them to the next level and create a truly inclusive workplace. We believe diversity is a core cultural value, and we are committed to the recruitment and retention of diverse talent to support our firm’s growth and to understand the needs of our clients, service providers and employees.
Our Employees
By hiring people across the full spectrum of diversity – which may include, but is not limited to, gender, age, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, culture, socioeconomic status and physical abilities – we believe we can better serve the needs and wishes of our clients, employees and communities. We are proud that we have created a firm that reflects the diversity of our clients and the communities we serve.
Our Diversity Committee
Barton Gilman’s diversity committee works with the hiring committee, with members participating in diversity events at local, state and national levels. These teams work together to formulate and adopt processes that positively impact our firm’s efforts to recruit, retain, promote and mentor a highly-talented and diverse workforce, as well as to ensure that work is allocated fairly.
Our Efforts
We are deeply passionate and committed to always improving our workforce diversity and are honored to play a significant role in transforming the future of law firm leadership. Currently, over forty percent of the firm’s lawyers are diverse, and virtually the entire administration and staff of the firm are diverse. Additionally, we are proud that Barton Gilman was one of the first firms in Boston to have a female managing partner.
Barton Gilman strives to create a welcoming and collaborative atmosphere to practice law or work in the legal profession.